
In our attemps to keep everyone informed we have started this blog as our webpage. Please feel free to add comments, address updates, business info, information on other classmates, etc. to the guestbook. We plan to try to keep a list of updated addresses, reunion photos and other information here for you to check out.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Reunion Photos

WOW! It was so great to see so many faces at the 3 reunion events held this weekend. We got some great snapshots of old friends, and new families. They have been posted on snapfish.com all you need to do is click here http://97reunion.snapfish.com/snapfish to view them. If you took some photos you can also upload them into this group room. You must have a snapfish account to see and upload photos, but its free so click on the above link and sign up to see all the fun we had. If you want to purchase any photos that can be done at snapfish as well. Thanks to all who came. It was one to remember!

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